Monday, April 12, 2010

Action Project: SOS Children Villiage/ Grace House

Grace House Mission-St. Leonard's Ministries Grace House is to provide a place where women the exiting the prison system are transitionally housed, emotionally and spiritually supported and professionally counseled as they encouraged to set realistic and attainable goals for the future, and to make informed choices that will" enhance and improved self esteem, build self determination; developed personal growth initiatives: and empower them to lead lives with dignity in their communities and their families. Grace House purpose is to enhance the lives of the people they serve.

Grace House is located at 1801 W. Adams, which is on the west side of Chicago. Grace House is a women's residential program of St. Leonard Ministries that provide comprehensive rehabilitative programs for women released from prison who are attempting to set new direction in their lives. This is a place of respite providing time, personal and group counseling, educational and job counseling and supportive community environment to assist them in the transition. Grace House was established in 1994, under the auspices of St.Leonard House, under the agency of the Episcopal Diocese of Chicago. Grace House is one of the three programs incorporated under St. Leonard Ministries, it is a interim housing.

Grace House is a network with prisons counselors that set up arrangements for the women exiting prison to come to Grace House. The program director of Grace House, Pastor Bernie, has an application process that requires an over the phone interview with the prospective resident and her counselors at the correctional institution. Women are to come to Grace House directly upon their release. There is a 24 hour a day staff coverage at Grace House.

The action project included Grace House, volunteers and Group 1 to set up a lunch/dinner program for the children in Haiti. Group 1 felt it was a unselfish act for the residents of Grace House to create the idea of having a fundraiser despite that they are still in the process of forming a constructive lifestyle. On Friday, March 19 Group 1: Clarence, Miguel, Marnie and Franca attended and participated in the fundraiser to help raise money for the children in Haiti. The women of race House and group 1 prepared the food to be picked up and delivered at places that had orders larger than 5. Group 1 was mainly in charge of delivering all orders and making sure that the orders was complete. I was passing out the brochure I created for about 2months.

The action project group 1 and me consisted of raising money for the SOS Children Village of Haiti. The way group 1 and Grace house decided to raise money was having a lunch and dinner food drive that will allow anyone to place a order of their desire and with the money we raised Grace House will set up a bank transaction with a cashier check with SOS Children Village of Haiti.

This is where I have completed my internship as a Case Manger, so i have a bond with the residents of Grace House already. It felt good and went smooth because I have a relationship with the residents and the administration of Grace House. I was assisting on putting this fundraiser together for a month. It took me almost a month to complete the brochure I created that briefly talks about Grace House and the services it offers and about the fundraiser event that occurred on March 19, 2010. I have been volunteering for this fundraiser since February and i am overall satisfied with how things went. I donated plates, kitchen utensils, chicken and fish, containers, napkins all for preparation for lunch and dinner. Overall, I felt good and privileged to participate in raising 2500.00 to help the children of Haiti who are in a much greater need.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Ehrenreich text:Nicled and Dimed

Ms Ehrenreich talks about her experiences as a housekeeper, waitress and as a Walmart associate to name a few low wage jobs she has held. The author talk about the inability to live and survive off minimum wage jobs. She states the demands of waitress were stressful, was paid only 2.43 a hour including tips that varies. Her job as a waitress included sweeping, refilling beverages, restocking, slicing and scrubbing throughout her 2pm -10pm shift. Come on....... 2.43 a hour is a sweatshop wage that exploit and oppress people.
According to the World Law Direct ( , if the sum of tips plus 2.13 a hour is below the minimum wage of 7.25 an hour the employer is required to make up the difference. On page 16 according to the Fair Standards Act, if the sum plus 2.13 an hour falls below the minimum wage or 5.15 an hour the employer is required to make up the difference. Then if you include the people spokesperson, the governor that does nothing to regulate wages for all people to have the ability to live to the cost of living in the United States. The living wage or hourly wage in Key West, Florida for one adult is 9.17. Now how will Barbara survive off 5.15 a hour wage job. She will definitely fall below the poverty line. This is a capitalist society that dominates and create a larger disparity between the rich and poor. The poor are undeserved, underprivileged, disadvantage, disenfranchise and underclass. The rich is educated, opportunities, resources, upper class, law makers and breakers and etc. We as the people of the new leading generation must challenge corporate America to improve society conditions and equally distribute human rights to all. The land of free is the false conception of America, its the land of greed and inequalities.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Student Blog Review:Justyna

Justyna's blog was enlighting and had powerful photos about poverty. I really like the layout of her blog because everything was so organized and had extra tabs that will go into detail if you want to know more on the issue she was discussing. I am impressed with Justyna drive to help to resolve poverty and you can defintely pick up on this through her writings and photos of choice in her blog. After reading and clicking on tabs with images and videos, I realized she has the passion to aid to those who has greater needs. The photos alone tell me alot about her blog, they are very powerful to me.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Student Blog Review #2:Mike

After looking at mike's blog I can see that his engagement on the issue of homelessness and hunger has dramatically increase since the first blog assignment. The pictures and the content of his blog reflect as a passionate individual that will like to prevent the increase of hunger and homelessness. I also notice that this issue is new to him and that he really don't take a side when it is a disagree and agree issue. Mike does emphasize how corporate America want the power elite to continue their reign at the top and create a larger disparity between the rich and the poor. I noticed the honestly from Mike stating that he didn't have knowledge on homelessness and government assistance programs like welfare, but I can tell that he read and did his research because of his reflection on each topic. Lastly, I went a opposite direction than I did with the selection of a dark background that symbolizes sadness, poverty and homelessness. I selected a bright color because I wanted to display my blog in a neutral but happy mood and I feel Mike agree with my stance that homelessness and hunger will take a collective action from the whole entire community to prevent these issues of our society.

Streetwise Reflection

The documentary about teens living on the streets of Seattle. This film displayed a family that showed their ability to survive. The issues that drove kids to the streets was a alcoholic mother, a stepfather forcing sex from his step daughter and the convict bullying the son on a jailhouse visit. I think that this film displayed the parents way of living so the viewers can understand that the teens on the streets are better off than living at home. The community of the streets of Seattle was more stable than the parent home that the teens abandoned or was thrown out of. The adults of these teens to me was incapable of offering any real helpful support and any meaningful advice. The film streetwise talks about issues that exist everywhere and everyday all over the world. The realistic reflection I have after the watching of this film is that few make it and get decent jobs and try to work their way out of poverty. The rest are left as the product of the environment, some have the strength to keep fighting and striving for resources while others not Strong enough like the boy that visit his abusive father in prison committed suicide.

This film was very disturbing but it is reality. I know how real the issue of being homeless is but it really hit my heart when there is children and teens homeless. Prostitution and hustling was a form of surviving on the streets in this film and it bothered me because I hate that anyone have to commit to wither way because it is degrading. I didn't spot too many resources at the time the film was made. The best and only way to resolve these issue that was brought up in this film is to go to the root of the problem and i believe the root of the problem in this case was the parents because the homes of these children and teens wasn't safe and was very hostile. So i think the problems at home lead to the youth homeless. Also, the parenting style was more negative reinforcement than positive enforcement which can affect a person social, psychological and economic well being.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Speaker From National Runaway Switchboard

The information I received from the guest speaker from the National Runaway Switchboard was enlightening and quite surprising. There were things I thought I knew about runaway issues, such as the leading cause. I am thankful for the presentation from the guest speaker because I learned about what causes people to runaway and learn about services provided for them. The activity that we did as a class was very helpful. We had to put factors on the board that led to the crisis of runaways and then jot down the resources that can be utilize to prevent runaways. According to the National Runaway Switchboard, runaway and youth in crisis make up 75% of the youth status at time of call. The 14% of the combine age of 20-21 for reported caller age was mind blowing for me because I would have never thought at the age of 20 and especially 21 that someone will be considered as a runaway. The family dynamics is the leading problem identified by the callers according to the National Runaway Switchboard and as far as the gender of the caller 72% is female.

The guest speaker had a assessment exercise for the class which was disappointing for me because I got 2 correct out of 6. I definitely learned from this exercise given to us by the guest speaker. I learned that there is 1.6 to 2.8 million of kids that runaway from home each year. There is 9,000 runaway/homeless youth on the streets of Chicago. There is only 3 emergency beds tat exist in Chicago for the non-ward runaway and homeless youth. According to NRS, most runaways survive on the streets because they receive assistance from friends/relative and the most cited reason why kids runaway from home is family problems. My guess was physical abuse. There is only 750 emergency youth shelters that exist in the U.S . The problem I have about the 750 shelters that exist is a shortage and is not enough to house these children which results in homelessness.The issue will continue to grow because if the rate of runways is from 1.6 to 2.8 million each year and the U.S only have 750 shelters available meaning that there is millions of kids on the streets trying to survive.
Prior to the presentation I had no knowledge of this group existing. As a child growing up I was around those who did attempted to runaway and eventually came back and those who ran and never came back. I work with minors everyday and with helping them and interacting with them there are so many legal barriers. I think the issue of runaways should be taught and reinforced all over the world so the home these kids live in can be as less hostile as possible.

Monday, March 29, 2010

Seccombe Chapter 5

I personally know some women that are welfare recipients and I can honestly state that living and surviving on this system is difficulty and it affects the women by the poverty line I believe there are placed in. Being able to afford some luxuries help ward off feelings of hopelessness, despair, and depression that are associated with poverty (Seccombe p.127) I disagree with this because this doesn't represents recipients of welfare and negative statements like this is focused on more than any positive of a welfare recipient. Now there are people that want the American Dream of being part of the main stream is by purchasing demanded clothing styles, jewelry. So I do agree with Seccombe when she states that welfare recipients want part of the mainstream so they buy cosmetics, stereos, jewelry and clothing (Seccombe p.127)

I think this is a critical issue because the unfortunate parent or parents has the same or even greater intention of the middle class or rich families for their children to provide them a good quality of living. This will not be a issue to discuss if the fields were even and the resources are not limited then parent or parents will be able to provide a peaceful environment and purchased materials to keep their child or children happy rather than safe in most cases. The intentions of the welfare recipients is protect their child or children its a mother nature or better yet a parent nature. At times the welfare recipients exceed their budget to buy a material or materials that will keep their child or children occupied so that they will not be a easy target to be a part of the hostile environment that is surrounded by violence, drugs and peer groups that influences others kids. The worries that these welfare recipients face are crime, drugs, and peer groups that could tempt their children (Seccombe p.128)

Seccombe Chapter 4:Dependency on Welafare

Chapter 4 can be summarized as women believing their issue is a rare case and different from the other recipients of welfare. The perception of welfare recipients is that they are criminals, dependants of the system and have no interest in better themselves. After reading this chapter, I have realized that this perception isn't just a media perception it is also the perception of women that receive welfare. Most of the women that were interviewed by Seccombe separated themselves from others recipients of welfare and didn't view themselves as depending on the system of welfare. For instance Rhonda didn't see herself as a dependent on the welfare system and hates welfare, but welfare supplies her and her son shelter, food, clothing and medicare. Rhonda feels her situation is rare because she has been on welfare off and on, but she fails to see that her hard time to find permanent employment that pays well enough to live above poverty line is a problem that she and other recipients of the welfare system has also. The lack of jobs paying a livable wage, the risk of losing health insurance, lack of good quality and affordable daycare, lack of father involvement and child support enforcement, inadequate transportation systems, broader problems in our social structure, such as racism and sexism and a welfare system that penalizes women for initiative and eliminates their welfare benefits prematurely were the structural reasons stated by the women on why they needed welfare. People are penalized for wanting to better themselves, for wanting to achieve a better quality of living. As programs that are considered welfare benefits are terminated it puts the child health in jeopardy and sometimes contribute to a welfare recipient's economic burden. With this being said I can agree that welfare system is structural set up to encourage dependency and not independence. The fact that this is a capitalist structured society that breeds money, power and greed is the reason why these women aren't encourage to socially and economically succeed. It is fact that in most cases when you are socially isolated that you will be inferior to the dominant group in our society who is socially stratified.

I don't agree with the position off the women that was interviewed because all of them separated their life situation as being vital for welfare but stated negatives views of other welfare recipients. I am confused because I would have thought that the ones that are experiencing hardship will be more understanding of society structure and not jump on board with the media perceptions of welfare recipients. I think the women on welfare are dependents of it even if they continue to better themselves. I believe welfare is needed because equality among all is still not equally distributed that includes the essential resources and opportunities needed for livable conditions.

I ask myself when will the world wake up as a whole to change the structure of our society, capitalism. Why is minimal wage set to a non-livable wage? Why do blacks and Latinos have far less valuable assets than whites? Why are people that work 30-40hrs a week at minimal wage denied access to welfare? I do agree with the structural perception of the welfare recipients. I am not a welfare recipient but don't see the point of slaving myself for a undeserved and poverty wage when i can get assistance that will assure me shelter food and medicare. It is impossible to live with shelter food and medicare off minimal wage or even 10 bucks a hour in Chicago. On top of the structure the causes the increase of poverty and welfare recipients there is also a imbalance between the job market wage per hour and cost of living.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Blog Review:Ricky

The second blog I randomly selected was Ricky's. His blog was very descriptive and straight to the point. I agree with him when he stated the mayor report is full of it and covers up the truth about hunger and homelessness. His blog also states the number of unmet needs for the people that are are seriously in need. His blog including mines and others states the hunger and homelessness problem exist and is growing, even with the acknowledgement from the mayor from each city. Ricky states that his city Miami is handling the homelessness issue pretty well because of the ten year plan, but my question is how about a everyday plan until the hunger and homelessness issue is resolved and no longer existence. His blog is preety cool and raise very good points. I think he could use some images, video clips and other things that can present his blog other than paragraphs.

Blog Reflection: Amber

The blog I selected was amber blog. Her blog posted questions that I and the rest of the community would like to know. The lack of service for the hunger and homlessness. I agree with her views about stating the our captalist structure have resulted in the poor is poorer and the rich gets richer. The images she used for her layout is powerful and goes well with her thoughts and questions. I agree with her when she stated that waiting on any government will be a waiting for awhile situation. Her blog was informitive and very enlighting. I like the layout on how she will post questions then respond with what she think would be a resolution to homelessness issues.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Kimberley States

First off I would like to thank Ms States for coming to the NEIU to tell our class her life story. I agree with Kim about the current system of our society and how it doesn't rehabilitate it imprisoned and mistreats. All the issues Kimberley mentioned to us that she had was not properly treated. What was kind of interesting was the last time she spoke she mentioned how she was refused by Grace House which is the placed that state that they take in everyone that want to work toward change. The philosophy of Grace House is to give everyone the change to turn their life around and never shut the door on hope. This bothered me because they didn't accept Kim and from the few times I have heard Kim testimonies it seem like she was sincere and serious about change in a positive pattern. I think Kim attitude and her relentless drive shape her to the person she is today, which is a advocating and representing the voices of the women that are incarcerated and formerly incarcerated.

I applaud Kim for her not giving up on herself after being a product of her environment and the prison systems. I think Kim change started when she admitted to herself that she need to change and that she was fed up with the prison life. I commend her drive and effort to advocate for women that faced the similar issues. The only problem I have with CLAIM is that is doesn't offer it service for the mother or guardian to be with her child if she committed a violent offense. I just think everyone situation is different and some mistakes will get weighed differently but my issue is what human is over another human, so who is we or me to judge on a type of offense someone commits decides whether or not that she will live with her child or children. I conclude to say and agree with Ms. Sates to create a society that equally distribute human rights to all and for the ones that make critical mistakes of putting someone else in danger then that individual should receive the proper treatment and have access to education and job skills to keep him/her current with the society technology.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Action Project: Support the St. Leonards Ministries Grace House

The group personnel is myself Clarence, Marnie, Franca and Miguel. Our group number is 1. As a group our proposal is to assist and support Grace House and SOS Children Village to take action for children and their rights around the world. Grace House and I decided to have a fundraiser at Grace House to raise money for the children in Haiti. I will deliver placed orders, help clean, cook and organized this fundraiser for the 19th of March. Grace House and I came up with the idea to cook food and then to sale the food, and with the money raise Grace House will then set up a internal transfer with the SOS children Village through the bank or Grace House will send the money to the Red Cross.

I look forward to this fundraiser because I feel and know that i am apart of helping someone in need. This is and will be one of the many times that I will volunteer to contribute to my community and the global community which I am apart of.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Boston Hunger and Homelessness Issues Continues....

The mayor report for 2009 has a new addition of information added. That information is the impact of the new or expanded government programs addressing the issues of homelessness and hunger. The causes of hunger is unemployment, high cost housing and low wages. The three things noted on the mayor report to combat the homelessness and hunger issues is to create affordable housing, increase food stamps payments and employment training programs. I agree with affordable housing but I think the only way a city or entire nation can solve hunger and homelessness is to offer and create jobs that pay well enough to live (not check by check), distribute human rights to all and utilize the model of working hard to earn your position.

According to the chart on the mayor report, it shows that Boston family homelessness has increased by 22 percent. I am assuming that the ten year plan is not resolving the issue and since implemented has not decrease the problem of homelessness among families. Now the individual homelessness in Boston has decrease by 9 percent. My proposed question isn't it ironic that the first plan leading the way combating and made family homelessness a priority and the new proposal of Leading The Way 3 made individuals a priority is a good thing but why cant ones experiencing this issue of homelessness get the assistance needed. If one or a type is left out it is a practice of discrimination no matter how you look at it.

There has been a 15 percent increase for the demand of food assistance. Out of this increase of demand for food assistance 60 percent are working class. The main food pantries in Massachusetts ran out of food at some point last year, 47% percent of them. That is half the food source, After imaging this it is sad. The report stated that the shelters in Boston are full and that the use of hotel and motels for shelters have doubled since last year. The only positive out of Boston when talking briefly about homelessness is the individual homelessness rate has decrease by 11 percent. The lack of available beds has cause shelters to turn homeless people away. Also 18.7 percent are below and experiencing the poverty line and 8.7 percent are unemployed in Boston,MA.

The chart that listed the unmet needs, shelters, transitional housing including Boston and others cities into their report. So the numbers were an average of about 16 cities. Individual homelessness for 2009 9,2625 (sheltered) 22,317 (unsheltered), families sheltered 654 and 18,556 unsheltered. Emergency shelter: 27,849-419 (new), transitional housing: 30,224-1747 (new) and Emergency supportive housing: 43,243-5,414 (new). The chart is basically stating that the needs are not being met and compared to the previous year the availability of services has decreased.

The three causes of Boston hunger issues result from high costs of housing, medical cost and unemployment as far as individuals or families with children. Homelessness with children has been caused by low paying jobs, domestic violence and lack of affordable housing. The individual homelessness issue is caused by mental illness and lack of service provided, lack of affordable housing and substance abuse and lack of service needed according to the mayor report of 2009.

The lack of affordable housing is the biggest reason and issue of homelessness, which is supposedly be a human right to all. The ones that suffer and experience these issues the most correlates with the ones that are socially isolated, likely to be in prison, marginalized and not apart of a just society.

Bibliography: US Confernce Mayor Report of 2009

Sunday, March 7, 2010

"So You Think I Drive a Cadillac"-Karen Seccombre

Chapter 3-Stigma and Discrimination.
This chapter discusses briefly about the negative images the mass media produce about the welfare mother and the image fits the African American female. In this chapter a woman by the name Dawn fits the typical and falsely accusations of the welfare mother that depends and milks the system of government assistance. Dawn didn't have a father figure around and believes that it didn't harm her which I disagree with. What gender is best to come to for advice if the gender having concerns is a male and vice versa? I think when a female is curious and have questions about her body and other changes, the best person is the mother of a woman of experiences.

As the chapter goes on its talks about the racist comments made about participants of the welfare system, unfairly labels on the African American community-stating that there is more blacks than whites on the system. (Seccombe p.57) Many whites assume that majority of the participants on welfare is blacks, which is untrue. (Seccombe p. 57)

Our believe that the biggest reason for on going discrimination and inequality between races is because America as a nation is in Denial. It is sad that the nation I live in is in denial about America social structure and the racial inequalities that existed in the past and exist today. "We are all created equal"-This is B.S.!

The interviewing process that Seccombe had proved that women, black or white admitted that they didn't know of anyone personally that milks the system but hear about it alot. The interviews showed that some women on the system are influenced like others by the mass media of the false perception of mothers on welfare.

The problem I have about Dawn is her philosophy on how is quite OK for her to raise her children off government assistance because she grew up that way. I have a non-judgement mentality and believe that some situations can make a child stronger but in most cases can permanently scar the child for life.

"So You Think I Drive a Cadillac"-Karen Seccombre

Chapter 2 was a breakdown and history on what is believed to be legitimate reasons for poverty and social inequality. At the beginning of chapter 2 it states "Poverty was considered part of natural social order and was not necessarily taken as defect of the social structure" (Seccombe p. 29) I disagree with this statement, because I believe poverty exist from capitalism and that the past and current system of the U.S. is set for certain people (whites) to prosper. Some people state that my generation has the torch for a possible chance of a new and equal society, I say its a lie because the elite ones that control the wealth now have sons and daughters, godsons and daughter, grand daughters and sons or someone that is part of the family somehow that will obtain the power, wealth and control from inheritance. The model of work hard to obtain your goal or goals has always been false in my eyes, it has always been and still is about who you know.

Later in the chapter it goes briefly into the history of cash assistance which solely purpose was suppose to help and support the ones in much need. All these government assistance programs purpose was to eliminate financial hardship, but form certain tactics that resulted in discrimination and excluded minorities from receiving assistance compared to the Whites. The statements that was going around was people opting to collect assistance instead of employment, and that people are buying items viewed as not being indispensable for the essential things needed for life. The people that the media and the wealthy ones are talking of is blacks and other minorities. Is this right? I don't think this is right at all what happen to a right to privacy and what man is in the position to judge what is right or wrong. As i recall I don't remember any human or group over another human or group, so is it right to raid a person home to enforced a policy to what the wealthy believe to be a norm. It seems like the constitution is only upheld when it is in favor to penalized the criminal of America-the opposite of whites. I am not stating that no whites go to jail but i am saying that they are the ones that make the laws but break them or create them to prosper from them. Why doesn't these corporation gangs or these individuals in charge of these bank scandals get sentence? I think these crimes at more serious than what the media portray to be so dangerous on everyday news. Its the black crimes or minority crimes versus the white collar crimes.

Chapter 2 talk about four perspectives that is believed to cause poverty. The four are individualism, culture poverty, fatalism and social structuralism. I don't think poverty exist from culture, fatalism and individualism, so that leaves social structuralism that support my beliefs of why poverty exist. Capitalism only benefits the rich and wealthy, the set rate of minimal wage isn't even a rate to survive off of. I totally believe this perspective because if you look around you can see the socially isolated neighborhoods, poorly perform schools, lack of resources and restrictions of opportunities is located in the predominately blacks and Latinos neighborhoods.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Marginalized People Are More Likely To Test positive Than Others!

If you look at HIV from a global or nationally persoective, you will still notice that marginalized and poor people in our society are striked disporportinately. Other structural inequailties like racism and gender unequality realtes to poverty that raises the vulnerability and risk for HIV infection. The structural inequalities that are in place still today is living wage employment, healthcare access, access to education, affordable housing which are the basic rights and essential for everyday life, but still exclude millinos of the less fortunate globally and nationally. According to the World Health Organization, there were 33 million people that were living with HIV and less than 1 out of every 5 has access to HIV pre vention services. This is serious and mind blowing, 33million is Chicago population times 10, 11. HIV connects and relates to hunger, homelessness, socially isolated neighborhoods, neighborhoods near the landfills, poverty and extreme poverty because people that experience or live through these conditions and issues subject them to being a high risk of HIV infection due to their vulnerbilities. For instance, the life expectancy for Blacks is quite low compared to any other ethnic group especially Whites. According to New York Times by Lawerence K. Altman, there is 600,000 African Americans living with HIV and 30,000 are being infected each year. HIV/Aids is everywhere but more of a problem and out of control in the poorest countries and cities. For example, Africa have the laregst mass of people that has HIV/AIDS and we know the majority of what ethnicity group reside there. The 10 states with the most people that live and experience extreme poverty has the highest rate of people that are infected with HIV/AIDS. Ethnic groups like Black and Latino have a higher rate than any other ethnic group, also Blacks and Latino's are the ones that experience and live in poverty more than any other ethnic group, it correlates with the risk of being infected by HIV/AIDS.

I agree and stand behind Dr. Williamson position stating that people living with HIV/AIDS are human beings just like us no better or worse and that they too need affordable housing, adequate, and also need and want livingable wage emplyment as well. The economic, social and helth policy is concerns for all, which includes the less fortunate and people living with HIV/AIDS. In my opinion I think everyone should receive a class with a lecture and video or audio on the impact on HIV/AIDS
Bibliography: New York Times July 30, 2008,
Dr. Williamson
World Health Organization

Monday, February 15, 2010

Speech of the Homeless Coilation

First off I would like to thank the guest speakers Bailey, stephanie and Jose.

Sephanie who is a leader organizer of the Chicago Coalition of Homeless. Her ex-husband was abusive and she develop a alcohol problem. Moved to New York and had to live there atleast 6months to receive aid. Moved around a lot, very hard life; even though stephanie was working she was unable to pay rent. She spent most of her time in shelters. She later started women empowered movements-Project sweet home Chicago.

Jose who is homeless and was one of the speakers. He bascially stated how he did day loborer and live on the streets for years, then later asked for assistance. He also stated that there isnt enough housing for the homeless people. He then stated how CPS school usually turn away homeless children and talks about the laws/policy that insures legal rights of the homeless.

This was information stated by Stephanie, Bailey and Jose, who were the speakers from the Chicago Coalition of Homeless. The cutting of the homeless education which was orginally 20 million funded. The homeless prevention that once served 14,000 households until it was cut by 78%. Chicago far behind other major cities in homeless help, San Franciso funds a 100million for the homeless. There is 10% that live in extreme poverty conditions and 30 % of chicago kids live in poverty.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Hunger and Homelessness In Boston

With the economy not doing so well, the pricing of the food and fuel has sky rocketed up. Also, the unemployment rate has increased along with the increasing need for food assistance for Boston residents because of the volatile housing market. Fresh Food There has been a 30 percent increase of emergency food assistance since 2007. Senior citizens and first time individuals are seeking aid for the first time and there is more working families seeking aid as well according to the food assistance programs report in Boston. Eating healthy and at least three times a day is vital for quality of life, but how can you do so when you are a victim of poverty. To help residents in Boston, Mayor Menino has a Fresh Food fund which launched the Bounty Bucks program. This Bounty Bucks program distributes "bounty bucks" that are coupons that can be used dollar for dollar at the City's farmers market to purchase organic fresh fruit and vegetables. Furthermore, the Mayor's Fresh Food fund provides a EBT access at farmer's markets. EBT is basically food stamps, its the same as a link card which some of the residents of Chicago has. (U.S. Conference of Mayors 2008 Status Report on Hunger and Homelessness)

There has been a increase of four percent in people in Boston experiencing homelessness since 2007, but the housing efforts has decreased in street homeless. Similar to the city I lived in Chicago, In Boston many families have lost their housing through foreclosure that has also contributed to the number of homeless families and to the number of people experiencing homelessness. To fight this issue, the City of Boston has created and launch a ten year plan to end homelessness, Leading the Way Home. This plan purpose is to meet people in Boston housing needs in all communities no matter which income bracket you are in. This plan purpose is to cut homeless families by 2012, reduce the high foreclosure rates and to have a productive workforce housing production. Along with this plan, the City of Boston cited that the need for more permanent support housing for person with disabilities, more subsidized housing and the increase in the number of high paying employment opportunities. The City of Boston officials has a network called "The Boston Homelessness Prevention Clearinghouse", which is a network that creates a "no wrong door" entry for people seeking assistance in maintaining housing. The Boston Homelessness Prevention Clearinghouse includes the service of access to financial management training and classes, connection to service needed to stabilize tenancy, and flexible one time rental assistance funds. (U.S. Conference of Mayors 2008 Status Report on Hunger and Homelessness)

One solution of fighting the poverty issue is the proposal of the Leading Way. The goals of the Leading Way is to:

  • alleviate the pressure put on the housing market by the bubble

  • the attendant sharp rise in sales and rental prices by meeting the pent-up demand for new housing stock

The strategies of the Leading Way has adopted comparable objectives

  • primarily the production of new market rate and affordable housing

  • preservation of existing affordable housing

Since the implementation of Leading Way 1 and 2 there is:

  • more than 18,000 new units of housing

  • 5,000 affordable units

  • This output represents 5 billion in investment of public and private source of funding nearly 9,500 units of affordable housing were preserved

There are agencies in Boston that has and still is making a collective effort to prevent the rising increase of hunger and homelessness. The agencies that are part of the city of Boston departments that has form a collaboration for non-profit and profit organization are:

  • Department of Neighborhood Development (DND)

  • Boston Redevelopment Authority (BRA)

  • Boston Housing Authority (BHA)

  • Inspectional Service Department (ISD)

The rise of foreclosure and the credit crisis negatively effecting lending are factors that lead to the direction of the Leading the Way by the Mayor of Boston. With these factors along with the opinions of key stakeholders from Boston's non-profit and profit development community that has created a new lending the way housing strategy that goal is to complete construction of 2,000 units, increase the rate of assistance to home buyer of 50% and create 1,5000 new home buyers, 1,000 new affordable rental units and build 3,000 new market rate units. The Leading the way 1 and 2 was successful but not enough to meet the housing needs for the homeless people in Boston. The purpose and proposal of Leading the Way 3 is to meet the housing needs in four vital area's in Boston, which are:

  1. Housing Boston Workforce-affordable housing for all tiers of workers, low-income, livable income and high paid income.

  2. Addressing The Foreclosure Crisis-prevention, intervention, reclamation and stabilization.

  3. Reversing the Rise In Homelessness-placement, prevention, production; reduce of Boston family homelessness by 50%, and reduce long-term homelessness for individual Bostonians by 50%.

  4. Preserving and Stabilizing Boston's Rental Housing Market-Capital fund financing, energy performance contracting, redevelopment through project-base vouchers, redevelopment through public and private partnership and state and federal assisted housing.

I think and believe that the only way to fight and eliminate hunger and homelessness in Boston and all other cities in the U.S. is if there is universal health care, access to education and a restructure of our current economic system (corporation and bank institutions). If everyone receive a fair shake from birth then things like poverty, unfairness and human rights will not be a issues because everyone will have a fair distribution of equality and will have to work and earn their success, no racism, discrimination, sexism and segregation; just a just and equal world.

U.S. Conference of Mayors 2008 Status Report on Hunger and Homelessness

Monday, February 8, 2010

Seccombe main focus is the issues In chapter 1 is about social inequality. In chapter 1 she interviews people of different ethnicity that is on welfare and goes in depth of the issues on hand. In my opinion I believe that Seccombe learn and value life alot more hearing from the people that were living, experiencing and struggling while on welfare. I think she also understand that the assumptions of people on welfare is a myth and realizes that the picture that society display about people in welfare is also untrue.

First off I want to state that being a woman is far much harder than being a man because of society view of women, and that view is that women is second tier to men; women get paid .77 cent to every men 1.00 as of today's society we live in. She does points out how women are underpaid and receive less pay than men, even when women and men have the same job. Seccombe also point out how women are likely to be poor, experience lower wage jobs and likely to depend on others.

There wasn't a particular interview that stood out more than others because all talked about the struggles of getting the essentials required for life. The women she interview talked about how it is difficult to raise a family alone and with very low income. This one women Shelia caught my eye because she has so many barriers in place. What I thought was interesting is how she stated that she don't want a part time job because it would probably risk her losing government assistance and she will not be able to receive aid for a while after she re apply. All the jobs she have held didn't required that much skill or education, maids and cleaning aids are considered to be low skill jobs.

I disagree with the media view of the people are welfare because not everyone that receive aid are lazy and getting over on the government. I don't think this at all because the face of welfare is a black or Latino mother or family with numerous of kids, but society doesn't paint the picture of how blacks and Latinos are more likely to experience poverty and will usually be socially isolated in a socially environment surrounded by drug dealing, crime, violence and populated landfills.

I agree with Seccombe position of don't judge period and don't judge if you don't know that person or family story. If you want to know a reason why then do research or ask someone that know of welfare. Some people are dealt a terrible hand in life and need welfare and the underground economy. The model of mainstream is set by corporations and bank institutions, but how can you duplicate that model if you don't have the resources and opportunities to bid for the dream model of success. May I add that there is more Whites on welfare than there is Blacks or any other ethnic group.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Poverty (Personal Definition and Legal Definition)

What poverty means to me- Poverty is lack of resources, lack of opportunities, likely to be incarcerated, financially unstable, disadvantage, disenfranchise, underclass, underprivileged, under serve, public-housing, socially isolated, limited access to education and health care, hopelessness.

The legal definition of poverty should be- economic segregation; subjected to stereotyping, segregation, discrimination and racism; hopelessness; none or limited options available.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Poverty Level In Illinois: Extreme Poverty and Poverty

After reading these two reports that reflects the poverty in Illinois, I still cant comprehend why the poor pay at higher rate of taxes compared to one or a family that have the highest salary. Does that make any sense? What happened to the safety net that was preach and preach to the society that poverty issues should be resolved because of the proposal of the safety net. Excuse my language, what a bunch of BS! No matter how we look at it when looking at the stats of people in poverty; the children, the senior citizens, the disability, the undocumented people and women there is still a constant pattern. The blacks lead the polls with the Hispanics right behind who are the victims are being likely to experience living in poverty or extreme poverty. According to these reports, the Illinois people have less money to pay for their needs; the average weekly wages fell in 7 of the 11 job sector in Illinois from 2001 to 2007. (Amy Rynell and Amy Terpstra-Illinois Poverty Summit, page 4). I noticed that in this report that the prices of vital goods and services increased dramatically during 2001 to 2007. There is nearly 250,000 living in extreme poverty and over 400,000 are working along with 92,072 enrolled in school. (Laboratory for Community and Economic Development). What happened to the America slogan or model of education equals promise careers or dreams? It is reality that the mentality of work hard and education equals success is scarce to the point of being irrelevant. It is reality that blacks and Hispanics are structurally set up to living in unsafe and extreme conditions compared to any other ethnic groups. Why is this so? My response is that racism has never left this society, I am not saying that everyone is racist, i am saying that the ones who are calling the shots for the jobs market, banks and other resources needed to succeed in this society continue the ongoing discrimination tactic. Chicago has nearly 3million people and 1.5 million is living in poverty in Illinois, that is scary because Chicago is Illinois largest city and half Chicago population is the total number of poor in Illinois.

As poverty limits and restricts opportunity, What are the chances and opportunities for the ones who are at a disadvantage already at birth? With this being said, there is no healthy food to eat, senior citizens skip doses of required vital medication and adults have lack of shelter to housed themselves and family. I found that Illinois is one of the states that tax single and two parent families who are poor. Now where is this money going because it is not going to the communities that need it the most, the schools have limited or no resources resulting in students to perform poorly. What blow my mind is that the poorest families pay a 2.7 times tax rate than the families that have the highest yearly income in Illinois. ( Amy Rynell and Amy Terpstra-Illinois Poverty Summit, p.7) Now explain this to me, How is the government for the people and concern about the poor when the poor is paying a higher tax rate than the richest family. Seem like the structural of Illinois is set up for people to experience poor and increase the number of people to experience poverty; in addition to that especially the Blacks and Latinos. I noticed the poverty level in Illinois is 14,800 for family of four and 10,000 for family of three, now come on how can anyone or a family survive off that. That is like three hundred and some chance from each individual for a entire year-that is horrific, no one can live off that. The only solution to this critical issue of poverty is that we need a proposed collective effort and efforts from all people in the U.S to eliminate these unsafe and extreme conditions that deprive people of our nation their human rights, which is promised to them in our U.S Constitution; but that's another issue on hand. This issue is so painful and dishearten to contemplate that the future of Illinois is heading to ongoing hardship.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Race Matters (Song By Tupac Shakur that addresses poverty and other social issues and political issues) The song address pregnant teens that have none or lack of resources from the government, society and even their own family to help them.

Race Still Matters For Poor Blacks
By: Clarence Page and the Tribune Columnist
March 29, 2009

This article states the reasons and issues why poverty is increasing and that race is a main factor of it. The poor is poorer and blacks are statistically are head of the class according t this article: "Blacks are twice likely to be unemployed, three times more likely to live in poverty and more than six times to be imprisoned compared to whites". (Page,Chicago Tribune) The article also goes in to detail and states "that poverty stem from external barriers like discrimination, racism, disappearance of low-skills jobs, the behavior and attitude of the individual and cultural conditioning". (Page, Chicago Tribune) I agree but I overall believe that poverty exist today and period because of the structural system of the society. I am simply saying look at Chicago for instance, its so segregated its sad and sickening to my stomach. We as people are so social isolated that the ones less fortunate, blacks and Latinos to be specific grow up in a environment of drug dealing, poor performance schools, welfare dependency, polluted communities because of the near-by landfills. The system in place now is set up for the less fortunate ones to fail and my proof is the barriers place before hand which i mentioned a few sentences ago, the social environment. I can go on and on. I don't think poverty issues will be solved anytime soon because the media and the bank institution runs everything, their effective tactic is fear and once us people wake up and stop the corruption of the elite we will have equal distribution and human rights for all. I am working towards a just society but i cant do it by myself. I wonder how question myself how can few people control a mass society, we as the people out number the ones in control if I'm not mistaken a million can overtake a 1000; wake up society!

Race and Poverty


This video is about how many children go hungry daily in the world. (Newspaper article by the Root Staff)

Arrest of Henry Louis Gates Jr.

By: The Root Staff

July 20, 2009

As a senior at NEIU I have learned and come to comprehend that race is one of many structural factors that affect a person's life experiences. Along with race is gender, geography, economic security and class that minimizes the chances in life. I have learned that race is powerful and i have focused less on racial symbolism and more on understanding how race affects a person's life experience and life chances. The chances in life that become scarce or lack of is the access to education, health care, physical and economic security. The person life;s experience relates to experience with the criminal justice system or whether him or her grew up wealthy or in a public housing project. The example I am using as a reason for my belief of race having a affect on personal life experiences and life chances is Mr. Gates, who is a Harvard University professor that was wrongly arrested for opening up a jammed front door; may i add Mr. Gates was opening up his front door. I concluded this arrest incident of Mr. Gates as a signal of racism in law enforcement and some may say the police was doing their job. In general, Mr. Gates race affects his life chances and life experiences. Now Mr. Gates had the money and resources to contact a lawyer that was one of the best criminal lawyers in the country, which is a opportunity that is not available to most African Americans.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Lost Lives and Homeless

Hurricane Katrina, Earthquake in Haiti, Whats next. I ask myself yesterday with the technology the world has created is there anyway that this Earthquake could have been prepare for or even to save lives or atleast prepare in the sense to minimize the damage and destruction of families homes that lead to killing a mass population of people. The ones that are alive have lost a love one and their homes.