Monday, February 15, 2010

Speech of the Homeless Coilation

First off I would like to thank the guest speakers Bailey, stephanie and Jose.

Sephanie who is a leader organizer of the Chicago Coalition of Homeless. Her ex-husband was abusive and she develop a alcohol problem. Moved to New York and had to live there atleast 6months to receive aid. Moved around a lot, very hard life; even though stephanie was working she was unable to pay rent. She spent most of her time in shelters. She later started women empowered movements-Project sweet home Chicago.

Jose who is homeless and was one of the speakers. He bascially stated how he did day loborer and live on the streets for years, then later asked for assistance. He also stated that there isnt enough housing for the homeless people. He then stated how CPS school usually turn away homeless children and talks about the laws/policy that insures legal rights of the homeless.

This was information stated by Stephanie, Bailey and Jose, who were the speakers from the Chicago Coalition of Homeless. The cutting of the homeless education which was orginally 20 million funded. The homeless prevention that once served 14,000 households until it was cut by 78%. Chicago far behind other major cities in homeless help, San Franciso funds a 100million for the homeless. There is 10% that live in extreme poverty conditions and 30 % of chicago kids live in poverty.

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