Thursday, February 4, 2010

Race and Poverty


This video is about how many children go hungry daily in the world. (Newspaper article by the Root Staff)

Arrest of Henry Louis Gates Jr.

By: The Root Staff

July 20, 2009

As a senior at NEIU I have learned and come to comprehend that race is one of many structural factors that affect a person's life experiences. Along with race is gender, geography, economic security and class that minimizes the chances in life. I have learned that race is powerful and i have focused less on racial symbolism and more on understanding how race affects a person's life experience and life chances. The chances in life that become scarce or lack of is the access to education, health care, physical and economic security. The person life;s experience relates to experience with the criminal justice system or whether him or her grew up wealthy or in a public housing project. The example I am using as a reason for my belief of race having a affect on personal life experiences and life chances is Mr. Gates, who is a Harvard University professor that was wrongly arrested for opening up a jammed front door; may i add Mr. Gates was opening up his front door. I concluded this arrest incident of Mr. Gates as a signal of racism in law enforcement and some may say the police was doing their job. In general, Mr. Gates race affects his life chances and life experiences. Now Mr. Gates had the money and resources to contact a lawyer that was one of the best criminal lawyers in the country, which is a opportunity that is not available to most African Americans.

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