Hurricane Katrina, Earthquake in Haiti, Whats next. I ask myself yesterday with the technology the world has created is there anyway that this Earthquake could have been prepare for or even to save lives or atleast prepare in the sense to minimize the damage and destruction of families homes that lead to killing a mass population of people. The ones that are alive have lost a love one and their homes.
I know we all want to do whatever we can for the Haitian people. The Red Cross has made it easy
ReplyDeleteto give. Simply, send a text message to 90999 and type HAITI and a $10.00 donation will be added to
your phone bill! Simple and from all reports CASH is what is most needed to help that poorest nation of innocents
recover from such a horrendous event.
If you have other ways to give and you would like those to be passed along I would be happy to do that.
I send all emails Bcc so your email is kept private.
Thanks for considering the text message option and God Bless your day!
Race still matters for poor blacks
ReplyDeleteMarch 29, 2009
By: Clarence Page
This articles states the issues and reasons why poverty is increasing and that race is a main factor of it. The poor is becoming poorer and blacks statistically are head of the class according to this article: Blacks are twice likely to be unemployed, three times more likely to live in poverty and more than six times to be imprisoned compared to the whites. Also, the blacks lost their homes due to foreclosure at a greater rate than any other ethnic groups. The artcile goes in detail and states that poverty stem from external barriers like discrimination, racism, disapperanc of low-skills jobs, the behavior and attitude of the indivdual and cultural conditioning. I aree to a certain degree but I ultimately believe that poverty exist because its the structural system of the world. I mean look around Chicago is so segregated its sad and sickening. We as people are so socially isolated that the ones less fortunate, black to be specific doesnt have the resources and opportunities available. The system is set up or them to fail and then on top of that the social environment blacks and latinos grow up in is usually surround by drug dealing, poor performance schools, welfare dependency, polluted community because of near by landfills. I can go on and on.