Monday, April 5, 2010

Streetwise Reflection

The documentary about teens living on the streets of Seattle. This film displayed a family that showed their ability to survive. The issues that drove kids to the streets was a alcoholic mother, a stepfather forcing sex from his step daughter and the convict bullying the son on a jailhouse visit. I think that this film displayed the parents way of living so the viewers can understand that the teens on the streets are better off than living at home. The community of the streets of Seattle was more stable than the parent home that the teens abandoned or was thrown out of. The adults of these teens to me was incapable of offering any real helpful support and any meaningful advice. The film streetwise talks about issues that exist everywhere and everyday all over the world. The realistic reflection I have after the watching of this film is that few make it and get decent jobs and try to work their way out of poverty. The rest are left as the product of the environment, some have the strength to keep fighting and striving for resources while others not Strong enough like the boy that visit his abusive father in prison committed suicide.

This film was very disturbing but it is reality. I know how real the issue of being homeless is but it really hit my heart when there is children and teens homeless. Prostitution and hustling was a form of surviving on the streets in this film and it bothered me because I hate that anyone have to commit to wither way because it is degrading. I didn't spot too many resources at the time the film was made. The best and only way to resolve these issue that was brought up in this film is to go to the root of the problem and i believe the root of the problem in this case was the parents because the homes of these children and teens wasn't safe and was very hostile. So i think the problems at home lead to the youth homeless. Also, the parenting style was more negative reinforcement than positive enforcement which can affect a person social, psychological and economic well being.

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